Posts tagged with mountain-gazette
Mutton Bustin’ selected for Applied Arts 2024 Photo Awards Annual
2024-03-12 18:51:00 UTCBig thanks to Applied Arts for selecting this series I photographed for Mountain Gazette for the 2024 Photo Awards Annual! These photos come from a larger body of work I photographed over a few months for a feature on the world of mutton bustin’ and rodeo culture, as written by…
Mutton Busting for Mountain Gazette
2023-05-12 18:45:00 UTCExcited to finally share a feature Ari Schneider and I worked on for Mountain Gazette about the world of rodeo — specifically mutton busting. We tagged along with two brothers (3 & 5 years old) with aspirations of becoming bull riders, we went to numerous events at the National Western…
Colorado Governor Jared Polis for Mountain Gazette
2020-11-10 14:56:50 UTC“How close to the edge are you thinking..?” - Gov. Polis
Mountain Gazette is back. Having started in 1966, “the legendarily irreverent magazine that featured the writings of Hunter S. Thompson, George Sibley and Edward Abbey” has returned as a massive semi-annual publication aimed at capturing and commenting on outdoor…